Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Has there been moments where people concentrate more on your face rather than what your saying? Have there been moments where you feel like your living with a diease that never ends and as much as you try its doesn't show improvement?
Well, lets clear something here I dont have a diease that is going to kill me, but slowly but surely it is inside. I suffer from acne and so does other millions of people. I personal find it rude and very upsetting the way people treat you different with acne, would this be considered discrimination? Isn't it bad enough that we have to go through this unexplained "diease?"

Its been a month I have been looking for a part-time job so I can pay for my tutition and I have been going around handing out my resume everywhere and I actually did receive a call back from one of the clothing stores I had applied to online. When I went to the interview I was well dressed and very former but I didnt put on any founation just to see how people treat us with acne problem and so I had asked one of the workers I was here for the interview and they told me to wait outside and the manager will see you. So I waited for about 10 minutes and another worker came out and said the manager is not in at the moment. I was so dissappointed becuase I know I have the skills and the personality that they were looking and generally speaking I'm a very friendly and easy going, but I guess that was not teh only thing they were looking for.

I don't consider myself bad looking because I have the same quanilties as any other girl on the street except the only difference would be they might be acne free. I'm 19 and I've had acne since I was 13 so for 7 years I have faced acne and I had failed to overcome it, I allowed it to rule my life. Its been a month now I have been really concerned over what I eat and I have been working out pretty much very day. With this in track it will allow me to see any improvements.

I've realized that maybe I have acne for a reason, maybe I need to accomplish something in life that will make me proud beside education. Funny to say I like a challenge and at the moment this is one of the biggest challenges I have to face and pass. I try not to let my acne interfer with my social life, but it has a huge impact because I can sense myself pulling back and day by day I loose confidents in myself, but everything I encourage myself and say " one day I'm bound to have clear skin."

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